Starting a new series of woodcut prints…

Just finished carving this woodblock. Getting ready to print it. The image just sort of came to me, not sure what it might mean. It includes forms that I have used a long time ago; silhouette figure, intertwining form, repeated patterns. Would anyone love to share their interpretation?

Agony in the Garden

I am doing a series on the stations of the cross. Here is my first image. There will be 14 altogether. My goal is to complete one to three per week during Lent. My Lenten practice is to reflect on the Biblical narrative of the stations of the cross, particularly seeking to know the heartContinue reading “Agony in the Garden”

Being Present in My Art

I often think I will be happy if I can just get others to love me. I think that receiving love is what really brings joy to my life. But the way of Jesus is to see that true happiness and joy in him comes from me loving others in the same way he lovesContinue reading “Being Present in My Art”