A Reflection on Emptiness (revised)

A Haiku for Pentecost Cleanse me from myselfWind fills the clearest vessel Yet leaves it empty “Christ emptied himself.” Phil. 2:7 Kenosis, self-emptying in order to be receptive. I wrote the above haiku inspired by a discussion I had with my friend, Erik Young, a hospital chaplain. He was reflecting on the notion of emptinessContinue reading “A Reflection on Emptiness (revised)”


Kenosis is the Greek word that describes what Paul spoke of in Philippians chapter 2 regarding Christ coming into the world as a human. When Christ came he “emptied himself” and took on our humanity in order to save us. He became like us so that we might become like him. I want to beContinue reading “Self-Emptying”

Eight Haiku Poems

1. The masses are great Intricately connected I am one person 2. Nothing to say now Listening is the best part Sitting at your feet 3. Brokenness brings life Water flows to places low I am revived now 4. It isn’t the time It’s my presence within it The clock moves along 5. Each momentContinue reading “Eight Haiku Poems”

Agony in the Garden

I am doing a series on the stations of the cross. Here is my first image. There will be 14 altogether. My goal is to complete one to three per week during Lent. My Lenten practice is to reflect on the Biblical narrative of the stations of the cross, particularly seeking to know the heartContinue reading “Agony in the Garden”

Walls of Pretense: A Prayer

Lord please forgive me for building up walls of pretense.  These walls are erected to protect me from being foud out; from being pegged as a fraud.  I pretend to be smart.        I pretend to be cultured.              I pretend to be some kind of super spiritualContinue reading “Walls of Pretense: A Prayer”

Night Visit

I came to you at midnight because I was afraid. I asked you questions. I knew some things, but was unaware of the things you knew. You said I had to be reborn — new and fresh from above. I was perplexed at your answer; I was confused by the metaphor. I felt helpless toContinue reading “Night Visit”

Haiku Prayer

I will give up wordsSilence brings the soul freedomListening to God “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.” John 12:26 I want to be Christ’s servant. I want to be where he is. In order to know where JesusContinue reading “Haiku Prayer”

The Day After Mardi Gras

The streetlights have all gone dim yesterday’s music Became tiny pieces of glass on the ground The palm leaves have all been burned The grave has been dug and the dirt piled high at the edge You dip your finger in oil and ash form a cross on my head Turning turning I am bruisedContinue reading “The Day After Mardi Gras”